Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Potty Training Tips

Here are some tips to get your little one potty trained!

1. No more diapers! If you are ready to start potty training your child, do not buy anymore diapers from this point on. When you start your potty training, there should be no diapers in the house, car, or other hidden place to use as crutch or even to go back to your old ways. This means that you either need to use what diapers you have left, and when they are gone, you start potty training....or you can give the left over diapers to someone who needs them or throw them away. Do not buy pull ups, training pants or night time diapers. Underwear only.

2. Go to the store with your little one before you start potty training so they can pick out what underwear they want. You might want to buy a few packs. When they pick out their own underwear, they like it more, and are less likely to mess in them (that doesnt mean they wont-cause they will...)

3. Plan on potty training your child on a weekend, or where you have atleast 3 consecutive days where your child has your undivided attention. That means no more games on your phone, no running errands, traveling, TV, or anything that takes time away from your child. If you have to pick up kids from school, go to appts, get groceries, etc...try to get a friend or family member to help you so you can concentrate your time on training your child. You need to be FULLY dedicated to potty training your child. You shouldn't leave the room without your child right next to your side. This is a great time to bond with your child too. Keep the end in mind...think about never having to change diapers anymore, being able to take your child out without having to worry about bringing diapers or changing them, and all the money you will save by not having to buy diapers and wipes. It is going to be a long 3 days, but it will be SOOO worth it.

4. You can use a potty chair or have them use the toilet. It might help to get a potty chair for your child and see what they prefer. Mine at first would only use a potty chair and now he only likes to use the big toilet. Since your child is most likely to be potty trained within 3 days if you follow the rules might not want to spend a lot of money on a potty chair. Maybe borrow or buy one off of craigslist or garage sale, etc. If you do decide to get a potty chair, it needs to be in the bathroom next to the big toilet, not in the kitchen or other area of the house.

5. Give your child plenty of liquids to drink each day, but don't force them to drink if they are not thirsty. Try to limit liquids an hour before naptime to decrease the chance of bedwetting. If your child has a drink they either take to bed or have one an hour or so before bed, they are more likely to wet the bed. You should stop fluids 1-2 hours before bedtime. If they need a sip of water that is fine, but no more drinks to bed. Before naptimes or bedtime, have them go potty right before they go down. I would put a plastic sheet or trashbag under the fitted sheet and put a towel on top of the sheet in case he made a mess. This will help with the clean up process. In the case, where you do need to change the sheets make sure you have another set on hand. Remind them to let you know when they need to go potty and to keep their underwear dry. Don't use any punitive words with your child if they do end up wetting the bed.

6. Your child should only be wearing a shirt and underwear while potty training. No pants. This will help so you can see when the accidents occur or when they need to go.

7. You need to catch your child in the act EVERY time they make a mess in their underwear. If your child messes in their underwear, take them to the bathroom and put them on the toilet to finish. Don't ever force them to stay on the toilet. You want this to be positive. Continue to be loving toward them.  Just remind them to keep their underwear dry, remove the underwear, and put clean underwear on them. Sometimes it helps to show them how the one is dry and the other one is dirty. Don't ever scold them, yell, punish, tell them "no" or "bad" or give them time-outs when they make a mess, even if they did it 15 times. You can say "ew" or "gross" when they mess that way they know that it's gross to poop or pee in their underwear and have them carry it to the laundry room and tell them the underwear is not dry anymore. If they poop in their underwear help them carry it to the toilet and dump the poop in the toilet so they can see where its suppose to go and then have them flush the toilet and say bye bye poo poo. When you need to put another pair of underwear on them, always do it standing up and never lying down. Have them choose out which underwear they want to put on.

8. It is SO important to give positive reinfocement when your child does go to potty, even if it is just a little trinkle. Make a BIG deal of it. Tell them how happy you are, what a great job they did, give them a high five and a big hug. You can reward them with snacks, treats, stickers or other type of reward system. Tell them constantly how they are such a big boy/girl for wearing underwear and how proud you are of them. Tell them to keep their underwear dry. Constantly ask them if they are dry, even when you know they are dry, and when they check and tell you they are, praise them and be super excited for them. Give them a high five. Tell your child, "Let mommy know when you have to pee OK?" Say it atleast several times an hour. Remember to be REALLY REALLY POSITIVE! Do not ever ask them "Do you need to go potty?" Give them the control to make the decision themselves. If they look like they need to go potty, take them to the bathroom so they can go in the toilet. Don't ever bribe your child to go to the potty. If they ask for rewards before they go to the toilet just ignore it. When you need to use the restroom, bring your child with you and tell them, "mommy needs to go pee pee , so mommy is going pee pee in the potty!" and show them how to do it. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when you show them, it really helps them. Show them that they are a big boy/girl when they use the potty.

9. If you keep up using the rules above, even if they don't tell you when they need to pee or continue to pee in their underwear the first two days, they will get it by the end of day three. Just stick with it! When I first started potty training my son, he kept messing in his underwear and we changed him half a dozen times and my husband said "It doesn't work!" I told him to stick with it, and sure enough, he started going to the potty and making HUGE improvements. It took 3 days to potty train both of my boys when I was fully dedicated. Some parents can do it in less, and some take a little bit more, but remember to stick with it and be consistant and positive.