1. Amusement Park
2. Volleyball
3. Crafts
4. Paint
5. Horseback Riding
6. Play a Game
7. Build a Bear
8. Run Through Sprinklers
9. Clean Car
10. Make Cupcakes
11. Laser Tag
12. Root Beer Floats
13. Archery
14. County Fair/ State Fair
15. Carnival
16. Swimming
17. Ski/Snowboarding
18. Feed Birds
19. Play in Sand
20. Go to the Beach
21. Go to the Lake
22. Yoga
23. Planetarium
24. Go Camping
25. Pumpkin Patch
26. Farmer's Market
27. Basketball
28. Science Experiment
29. Family Portrait
30. Order Pizza
31. Concert
32. Watch a Movie
33. Read Scriptures
34. Cookie Exchange
35. Holiday Party
36. Soccer
37. Ice Blocking
38. Pillow Fight
39. Trampoline
40. Star Gaze
41. Build a Fort
42. Camp in the Backyard
43. Clean up your Neighborhood
44. Skate City
45. Bakery
46. North Pole
47. Meditate
48. Picnic
49. Emergency Preparedness
50. Gardening
51. Bean Bag Toss
52. Rock Climbing
53. Bowling
54. Dress Up
55. Treasure Hunt/ Scavenger Hunt
56. Needle Point
57. Visit the Zoo
58. Horse Carriage
59. Arcade
60. Collect Rocks
61. Rodeo
62. Talent Show
63. Charades
64. Make Treats
65. Obstacle Course
66. Play Instrument
67. Dancing
68. Garden of the Gods
69. Watch a Movie
70. Write Thank You Notes
71. Hide and Go Seek
72. Write a Friend
73. Shopping
74. Haunted House
75. Football
76. Go on a Run
77. Video Games
78. Build a Snow Fort
79. Build a Sand Castle
80. Aquarium
81. Mall Playground
82. Organize
83. Spring Cleaning
84. Ice Skating
85. Sit by the Fire
86. Water Slide
87. Tell Scary Stories
88. Draw
89. Read Ensign/Friend
90. Miniature Golf
91. Decorate Cookies
92. Visit the Temple
93. Family Reunion
94. Water Balloon Fight
95. Observe Nature
96. Make a Collage
97. Make a Video
98. Make a Time Capsule
99. Relay Race
100. Face Paint
101. Karate
102. Crochet
103. Invite Someone Over for Dinner
104. Sea World
105. Service
106. Apple Bobbing
107. Take Pictures
108. Invite Neighbors Over
109. Teach Someone a New Skill
110. Family Trip
111. Write a Poem
112. Make a Quote Book
113. YMCA
114. Sledding
115. Plant a Tree
116. Frisbee Golf
117. Tennis
118. See Santa
119. Outdoor Games
120. Go to a Play
121. Mr. Biggs/ Little Biggs
122. Go on a Walk
123. Sleep Over
124. Bubble Bath
125. Go to the Spa
126. Biking
127. Hay Wagon
128. Darts
129. Build a Snowman
130. Attend Fireside
131. Festival
132. Banana Split
133. Mother/Son Night or Father/ Daughter Night
134. Fly a Kite
135. Wii
136. Chuck E' Cheese
137. America the Beautiful Park
138. Library
139. Limbo
140. Botanic Gardens
141. Visit the Farm
142. Make a Dessert
143. BBQ
144. Water Park
145. Heart Attack Someone's Home
146. Make Cookies for Police
147. Family Home Evening
148. Capture the Flag
149. Wildlife Museum
150. Roller Blading
151. Canoeing
152. Make Smores
153. Yard Work
154. Hot Tub
155. Card Game
156. Cook a Meal
157. Baseball Game
158. Secret Sister
159. Church
160. Work on Hobby
161. Scrapbook
162. Learn Something New
163. Read Quotes
164. Go to a Movie
165. Babysit
166. Genealogy
167. Baseball
168. Hike
169. Invent Something
170. Carve Pumpkins
171. Croquet
172. Cannery
173. Park Playground
174. Water Ski
175. Cold Stone
176. Teach
177. Dad/Son or Mother/Daughter Night
178. Sidewalk Chalk
179. Hopscotch
180. Water Table
181. Tubing
183. Pool Table
184. Pinata
185. Paddle Boating
186. Freeze Tag
187. Gingerbread House
188. Read a Book
189. Write a Book
190. Pilates
191. Circus
192. Go Out to Eat
193. Build a Sundae
194. Organize a Room
195. Recreation Center
196. Board Game
197. Luau
198. Write Missionaries
199. Target Shooting
200. Ping Pong
201. Scuba Dive
202. Karaoke
203. Caroling
204. Sculpt
205. Dance Class
206. Parade
207. Write in Journal
208. Go Fishing
209. Sew
210. See Grandparents
211. Work Out
212. Car Wash
213. Scripture Study
214. Guitar Hero
215. Puzzle
216. Relax
217. Play Pretend
218. Bake a Pie
219. Raquet Ball
220. Gym
221. Outdoor Service
222. Museum (Coin, Art, Church History, Dinosaur)
223. Go to a Play
224. Family Scriptures
225. Play in Leaves
226. Go to the Pool
227. Make a Vision Chart (Board of things you want and post it in your room)
228. Write an Autobiography
229. Plan a Party
230. Memorize a Hymn
231. Crafts for the Season
232. Lemonade Stand
233. Visit the Elderly
234. Give a Gift
235. Arrange Flowers
236. Build a Tree House
237. Give a Back Massage
238. Volunteer
239. Give to Charity
240. Listen to Music
241. Make Friends
242. Write a Family Letter
243. Beach Playground.
244. Block Party
245. Birthdays/Holidays
246. Lego Land
247. Strawberry Picking
248. Make a Pop-Up Book
249. Learn a new talent
250. Make breakfast in bed
251. Dress up
252. Go on a date with significant other
253. Teach a class
254. Teach a skill to someone
255. Write down the important lessons you have learned in your life
256. Visit the homeless
257. Visit the elderly
258. Work at the soup kitchen
259. Volunteer at the bishops store house
260. Gather stories from your parents or grandparents
261. Clean the whole house
262. Make someone's bed
263. Clean someone's home
264. Deliver a meal
265. Create a collage
266. Write a letter to someone you admire
267. Smile all day
268. Family home evening
269. Plan a trip
270. Family reunion
271. Write a letter to the missionaries
272. Cook a big meal
273. Give yourself a facial/ or complete makeover
274. Go for a walk
275. Read a book
276. Start a blog
277. Do laundry
278. Scrapbook
279. Take your children to the library
280. Read quotes
281. Read a biography of a prophet
282. Do one thing you have been put off doing and stick to it till its done
283. Turn of the TV for a day
284. Play a game with your family
285. Invite neighbors over
286. Budget your money
287. Bake cookies for someone
288. Babysit
289. Help set up before church activities
290. Secret sister
291. Donate toys, food, clothes
292. Wake up the first time your alarm clock goes off for three days
293. Make a quote book
294. Say nothing negative to your spouse for an entire day
295. Do an unexpected gesture as an act of kindness
296. Strike up a conversation with a complete stranger
297. Pay your tithing
298. Pay fast offering
299.Buy someone something that says "i was thinking of you today."
300. Call up your husband and ask how he is doing and if there is anything you can do for them.
301. Write down your strengths and weaknesses
302. Spend one undivided hour with your family
303. Thank your spouse for something he does you admire
304. Compliment three people today
305. Clean the kitchen
306. Give your husband a back massage
307. Put someone else's preference first before your own
308. Take a walk with your spouse
309. Listen real intently to someone
310. Pray for someone
311. Refuse to gossip
312. Do something spontaneous
313. Send a love note out of the blue
314. Forgive someone
315. Forgive yourself
316. Meditate
317. Work out
318. Magnify your calling
319. Thank God for all the many blessings he has given you in your life
320. Count your blessings
321. Remove anything that is hindering your relationship, any addiction or influence thats stealing your affections and turning your heart away from your spouse.
322. Ask God for forgiveness
323. Say "i love you"
324. Pray with your spouse
325. Make a life purpose statement and frame it to view everyday
326. Observe nature
327. Video Arcade
328. Pick up trash at your local park
329. Adopt an animal
330. Attend a fireside
331. Go camping
332. Teach after school classes
333. Join a choir
334. Entertain the lonely or sick with good music
335. Give a small gift
336. Help people with disabilities or seniors living alone
337. Decorate someone's home
338. Leave anonymous treats on the doorstep of someone who is alone
339. Twelve days of christmas
340. Heart-attack somones home
341. Secret santa
342. Visit a rest home
343. Read to children
344. Conduct playtime activities
345. Help children with arts and crafts projects
346. Organize recreational activities
347. Interact with children by doing craft projects together
348. Take kids to the swimming pool
349. Assist elementary school children with their homework
350. Make a "welcome baby" gift and give it to an expecting mother
351. Give comforters and teddy bears for abused children
352. Collect cans for cancer wishes
353. Make treats for youth in correction facilities
354. Answer victim hotlines; listen while victims talk it out.
355. Help with home repairs for the disabled
356. Run errands for those who are disabled or elderly
357. Learn sign language
358. Clean the church
359. Plant a garden at your church or home
360. Grade papers
361. Work with children with disabilities
362. Act as safety guards before and after school
363. Tutor a child
364. Work at the information desk at your local library
365. Shelve books at a library
366. Assist with children's story hour
367. Plant a tree
368. Adopt a highway
369. Remove graffiti from public areas
370. Beautify city or county parks by doing weeding
371. Volunteer at the red cross
372. Volunteer at the salvation army
373. Be a foster friend
374. Give blood
375. Take a shift at the shelter, serving food, washing dishes, etc.
376. Greet guest at the front desk of a homeless shelter
377. Help rape victims
378. Find a pen pal
379. Clean your closet
380. Donate items you dont need or use
381. Walk dogs at a an animal shelter
382. Volunteer to care for a mentally disabled child while his or her parents have a night out
383. Lead youth organizations
384. Participate in charitable service groups
Here are some things we have done from the activities page! Post what you did today that was fun!
Went on a walk around the neighborhood
Admiring all the beauty
Mall Playground
Meeting the Easter Bunny
Playing at the Playground
Going to the Beach
Play Doh Playdate
24 Rifleman
Vista Village Strawberry Festival here are some pictures of our experience! It was so much fun with tons of carnival rides, hundreds of vendors, food, and more!
This is the Tri-Lakes Memorial Day Breakfast. There was TONS of food, people, and a moving patriotic show after breakfast. Thanks to all who went and participated. If you were unable to make it, here is a few pictures of our experience.
Martin Luther King Jr. Park Playdate
Botanical Gardens
Family Fun Day
Del Mar Beach